We perform teaching and research in machine learning strategies for the pattern analysis of various kinds of data. This comprises statistical models for clustering, graphical models for network inference and algorithmic methods to efficiently find these structures in the data.
We perform teaching and research in machine learning strategies for the pattern analysis of various kinds of data. This comprises statistical models for clustering, graphical models for network inference and algorithmic methods to efficiently find these structures in the data.
Background We present an infinite mixture-of-experts model to find an unknown number of sub-groups within a given patient cohort based on survival analysis. The effect of patient features on survival is modeled using the Cox’s proportionality hazards model which yields a non-standard regression component. The model is able to find key explanatory factors (chosen from main effects and higher-order interactions) for each sub-group by enforcing sparsity on the regression coefficients via the Bayesian Group-Lasso. Results Simulated examples justify the need...